Calculating your claim is quick and easy!

Use our free calculator to estimate how much your Boots Equal Pay Claim could be worth!

Don't forget to share with your friends to see how much they could be owed too!

Your claim could grow as time goes on, meaning the sooner you register the more your claim could be worth!

Please note, this calculator is based on our estimate of the average pay gap between Boots in-store employees and distribution centre colleagues. Your claim value could be higher or lower. Present employees of Boots may also be entitled to an increase in their rate of pay going forwards. To register for the Boots Equal Pay Claim, click the button above and you will be taken directly to our free and simple registration form.


Contact us

Any questions? Get in touch.

  • Give us a call

    To speak to a member of our team about your claim, call us on:

    0161 883 3468

  • Send us an email

    If you’d rather send us an email, you can reach us via:

Please be assured that strong victimisation laws are in place to prevent any negative action being taken against you for bringing a claim. If you have any concerns about this or any other questions about the claim, you can call 0161 850 8525 and speak to our customer service team in confidence.

Copyright 2019 - Pay Justice Ltd - All Rights Reserved

Please be assured that strong victimisation laws are in place to prevent any negative action being taken against you for bringing a claim. If you have any concerns about this or any other questions about the claim, you can call 0161 883 3209 and speak to our legal team in confidence.